Blue or white umbels of flowers native to Africa
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We have a minor addiction to these South African gems. Every year we add different varieties to the range that we grow.
Our baby plants come from a grower that holds the National Collection of Agapanthus - where better to source the best quality plants.
We start growing our Agapanthus the summer before we plan to sell them as they need this time to fill their pots with roots in order to produce a flower. Not all varieties manage it in their first year and some we have to grow for 2 years before they are ready for sale - we think they’re worth it though.
Grow in a very sunny spot (think South Africa) in containers or a well-drained area in the garden. They like to be slightly restricted to ensure good flowering, but don’t let them get so congested that their bulbs are too small as they won’t have the energy to produce a flowering stem.