These bee enticing purple beauties are a must for every garden
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The beautiful fragrance when you rub your hands through a Lavender plant is like no other. And the bees just love them!
We grow 100’s of Lavenders every year including angustifolia varieties and the French stoechas varieties.
The most popular is by far Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ with its strong dark purple stems and compact habit, but we also grow varieties like L. angustifolia ‘Little Lady’, L. angustifolia ‘Ashdown Forest’ and L. stoechas ‘Fathead’ to name just a few.
Best planted in the Spring to allow them to establish through the summer, flower their socks off and then survive the winter weather - angustifolia types are much hardier than stoechas, but the stoechas will flower all summer.
We always say if you get 10 years from an angustifolia Lavender you’ve done well as they become woody and leggy. The best trick to stop them doing this sooner is to prune back at the beginning of August down to an inch above the woody growth. Never prune a Lavender into the wood as it won’t grow back again.