Our stock
We pride ourselves on our passion for plants and so that is our main focus. You won’t find clothing or a bookstore here, just thousands of plants, the items you need to grow them and a select range of gifts and cards.
Because our stock is forever changing we aren’t able to keep our stock lists up to date. Therefore if you’re looking for something in particular please pop in or contact us.
Below you’ll find details of what we sell.
Japanese Maples come in such wonderful colours. Most of the varieties start as one colour or shade in spring, turning to their summer colour before changing again in Autumn as their leaves start to fall. Slow growing and in a variety of shapes and leaf sizes they add texture and colour to a protected site. They can also be grown in containers for some structure on your patio.
We have a minor addiction to these South African gems. Every year we add different varieties to the range that we grow and we get our baby plants from a grower that holds the National Collection of Agapanthus - where better to source the best quality plants. We start growing our Agapanthus the summer before we plan to sell them as they need this time to fill their pots with roots in order to produce a flower. Not all varieties manage it in their first year and some we have to grow for 2 years before they are ready for sale - we think they’re worth it though.
Grow in a very sunny spot (think South Africa) in containers or a well-drained area in the garden. They like to be slightly restricted to ensure good flowering, but don’t let them get so congested that their bulbs are too small as they won’t have the energy to produce a flowering stem.
We source the majority of our alpines from English growers which means they are not forced to be flowering earlier than they should be naturally which helps you to plan your planting to ensure a continuation of the flower through the Spring and early Summer.
We start growing our summer bedding and basket plants in March when the first plugs are potted. They are grown in our large polytunnels for at least 6 weeks before they are ready for sale. During this time they are kept warm at night by being tucked into their fleecy beds, pinched back twice to encourage good root development and lovingly watered as they need it.
We don’t grow with any heat so the plants are strong and flower when they are ready to, rather than being forced and overfed to make them ‘shelf ready’ only to stop when you get them home.
Because of our passion for plants, we are always looking for different varieties to pair together in planting combinations in our hanging baskets and those that our customers bring back to be replanted each year.
Once the summer colour ends and the darker days come there is nothing more cheerful than the face of a Pansy or Viola looking at you. We have searched for years to find the best truly winter flowering varieties and now have our chosen favourites. Each year we grow hundreds of Pansies and Violas in varying colours as well as Primroses, Polyanthus and Autumn and Spring flowering Wallflowers.
Available from September/October through until Spring (unless they sell out before!) we aim to give you colour to cheer up your pots, baskets or gardens.
We also have a selection of potted bulbs available in early spring to add extra pops of colour and cheer.
Wildlife in the garden is not only attractive to watch but important too. Having a selection of birds visiting your garden can help with the control of insects on your garden plants and by introducing a variety of food sources you can get quite a collection of species even in the smallest back garden.
We stock a range of feeds as well as feeders. Bird food comes in a range of qualities and the cheaper feeds can contain a lot of filler that the birds don’t actually eat and this is quite often what gets thrown to the ground. By purchasing a higher quality seed or nut your birds won’t waste as much.
If you miss the opportunity of buying spring-flowering bulbs in the autumn we always have a selection of potted varieties in Spring.
From Narcissus to Snowdrops to Tulips, all of the favourites of Spring will be available in a range of colours, varieties and sizes.
We also always have a selection of bulbs in gift pots. After all the colour and decoration of Christmas, it’s nice to have a bowl of bulbs on your dining table to cheer you up during the darker months. They also make the perfect gift for loved ones, or if you’re popping to a friend’s house for lunch.
UK grown trees, Christmas wreaths and arrangements handmade on site by our talented team.
Festive houseplants and gifts as well as selectively sourced decorations and edible festive treats.
Climbing plants add colour and interest to fences, walls, obelisks and structures. There are those that prefer the sun and some that will cope with more shade, but all are best planted when the soil is warm so Spring is a perfect time.
Being growers ourselves we are very fussy about the compost that we use and therefore recommend. Each year we check the quality of the growing mediums we sell and will substitute them if we feel their quality has diminished.
With the government target to ban sales of peat based composts to the public by 2024 there have been huge leaps forward by producers of compost for amateur use. A large proportion of the composts we stock are now peat-free or peat reduced.
We are firm believers of using the right product for the right job so we will always give advice on what you need to use for the project you are doing. We want to make sure that any peat that is being used for the right purpose and not being put in the ground where won’t have any benefits. We need to get out of the thought of Multi-Purpose is for every purpose and ‘what’s the cheapest compost you’ve got?’. It’s not about what’s cheapest, it’s about what is right for the project you’re doing.
Although extremely useful plants in the garden they still have a bad reputation from the 1960s when they were so popular growers couldn’t produce them fast enough and varieties being sold as ‘dwarf’ eventually grew to trees over 20 feet tall. That period has well and truly passed, but it’s taken conifers a long time to get a good reputation again.
We only stock a small range of conifers for this reason, but we have very good contacts of growers if you are looking for something in particular, just ask and we’ll see what we can do.
Great for shady areas Ferns can be more than just the bracken weed you get. The majority prefer damp situations, but you can get some varieties that grow in drier sites.
If you’re looking for a little packet of biscuits or a delicious cake to take to someone’s for tea or having someone over to you; or if you’ve just been browsing the nursery for too long and need a snack, we have a small range of food for you to choose from. It includes Border biscuits (they’re so yummy!), cakes, local honey and traditional sweets.
At Christmas and Easter, our range expands to give you the chance to buy some very tasty and delicious treats for your loved ones. We try to source different things than you’ll find in the supermarket to make them that little bit more special.
Growing your own fruit is very rewarding if you can keep the birds away from it before you harvest! Whether you’ve got room for an orchard, one tree, a few bushes or just a pot of Strawberries everyone can grow something fruity.
The best time of year to plant top fruit (or fruit trees) and bushes is the autumn as this gives them the most time to get themselves settled before they come into leaf and start to think about producing fruit. We suggest you don’t let a newly planted tree fruit in its first 1 to 2 years to make sure the tree can grow a strong root and branch system to support future years of an abundance of fruit.
Soft fruits such as Strawberries can be planted in autumn or spring, but we suggest spring as the soil starts to dry up and warm up, especially on East Grinstead clay!
Citrus are becoming more and more popular - who doesn’t want to grow the lemons for their G & T? Just remember you’re going to need somewhere warm and light to over-winter them as they don’t like going below 5ºC.
Every gardener needs a few tools to help them keep their garden looking it’s best. If you need to replace that trowel your grandad gave you when you started out, or you’ve lost the secateurs on the compost heap you can be sure to find what you need with us.
Our range of cards has been described by our customers as the best locally. We try to cater for all ages and styles and have a great selection of Blank and Birthday cards as well as New Home, Get Well, Older Ages and some very humorous ones too! Great to add to a gift you’re purchasing or to buy a handful to stick in that useful drawer at home!
We try to stock a small range of gift items which you will mainly find in our lean-to greenhouse or shop. The range is always changing as we find new things from our suppliers, and we rarely buy something more than once, so if you like it, buy it or you’ll regret it later when it’s gone!
Gifts can also include plants, which we have a lot of! You will find planted containers of seasonal plants, but we can also put together a shrub, tree or even houseplant with a suitable container, wrap it and even deliver it locally too. What more can you ask for?
The grass isn’t just for a lawn! There are so many beautiful and interesting forms that can add interest and structure to your garden all year round. Although most grasses are technically deciduous, by leaving their flower stems all winter you can get beautiful silhouettes of the structure covered in dews and frosts throughout the winter.
Grasses come in all sorts of sizes and colours and not all have to be in well-drained soils - there are some that prefer to be in slightly damp situations. All grasses are best planted in the spring or summer to allow them to establish before a potential wet winter.
Heathers can be two different genus - Erica or Calluna. Callunas need to be planted in acidic soil, which make them very useful in our area with our acidic clay. Ericas will grow in either alkaline or acid soil.
Whether you’re screening a boundary with a neighbour, dividing up different parts of the garden or just creating a nice backdrop for a new border there are lots of different options for hedges.
What can be better than growing some fresh herbs by the back door, in the vegetable garden or on the windowsill that you can pick and add to your cooking? We grow and sell a large selection of herbs and have a very good supplier of some of the hardier herbs in larger sizes.
We sow a selection of annual herbs from seed on-site to give you a succession of usable plants. We also grow a selection of Thymes, Mints and Oregano plus the odd, unusual variety such as Lemon Verbena or Tarragon.
Our trusted supplier then fills the gaps of what we can’t grow with large pots of other varieties of Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary and Sage.
The best time to buy herbs is in the spring when they are full of vigour. Plant them in the ground or in containers and they’ll grow all through the summer making hardy plants (those that are hardy) ready to go through the winter.
Hostas are the star of any shady border with their architectural big leaves and swaying stems of mostly lilac flowers, sometimes scented too.
With so many of us now spending a lot more time at home Houseplants have become very important in making our homes feel fresh, clean, and green - they are fantastic for your health too.
The beautiful fragrance when you rub your hands through a Lavender plant is like no other. And the bees just love them!
Trees help to add vertical interest to your garden as well as creating habitats for birds and wildlife - even a small garden has room for a tree!
Containers are a useful way of increasing your garden space when you’ve filled your borders, or don’t have room for an actual flower border, or to just add some colour to the patio where you sit and enjoy the British summer. They can come in all shapes, sizes, colours and styles and we are constantly looking out for new designs that we think our customers will love. The range is forever changing and availability too, so keep popping in to see what we’ve got in stock.
We love an English Country Garden perennial plant. The quintessential range of plants for anyone wanting to create a cottage garden look and there are so many different types to choose from.
Keeping plants in tip top condition can take a combination of feeding, treating bugs or diseases as well as weedkilling or pest deterrents. We have a select range of products to help with looking after your plants and if you’re not sure what you need our team are always happy to help.
All of our Roses are grown from rootstocks produced in England to ensure strong, high-quality plants that will create beautiful shapes and flower straight away in their first summer.
Seed potatoes are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and are very rewarding. There are 4 main types - First Earlies, Second Earlies, Maincrops and Salad. The type determines when to plant them and generally what they can be used for once harvested. We’re always on hand to help those not too sure as to which to grow and how!
We stock a small selection of loose potatoes for those of you growing just a handful in a container, packs of 10 or so tubers if you want to do a row or 2 in the ground and nets of larger quantities for those of you with the space to grow a number of rows in the ground.
They arrive in January so visit early to guarantee the variety you want is still available and you can start chitting them straight away. Then plant first earlies at the end of March, 2nd earlies in mid-April and maincrops at the end of April / beginning of May.
On our dense clay soil onions and shallots are better planted in the spring so that they are not sitting in the cold and wet over winter. You can grow red or white onions and a selection of shallots, available from mid-January. If you do want to plant autumn onions we have these too, but be sure to get them planted before the soil becomes too cold and wet.
Garlic is another ‘bulb’ available for planting in your vegetable patch. Make sure you plant it in very free-draining soil in a very sunny spot to get the best crop.
There is nothing more rewarding for a gardener than sowing a packet of seeds, waiting and watching as they germinate and grow into tiny seedlings and then into beautiful flowers or tasty treats. We stock Kings Seeds and have for over 30 years. They are also the seeds we sow for all of the vegetable plants that we sell because their germination rates and quality of seed are both superb. You will find a range of vegetable and flower seeds throughout the year.
Bulbs are another gardener’s favourite. Plant them in spring or autumn and wait for them to grow and bloom - normally you’ve completely forgotten about them and then they suddenly appear like magic. We stock spring flowering bulbs from August to December and Summer flowering from January to April.
We stock a large range of shrubs from 2L up to 50L size pots. Because of this large range our stock levels are always changing and we are always getting in new stock throughout the year. Please contact us to check if an item you require is in stock.
Whether you want something by your front door, or to add a little height to a border without adding too much width, standard trees are an excellent choice. Generally, these are shrubs grown on a stem which can be a ¼, ½ or full standard (determines height of stem) and they can be pruned to maintain a neat head, or left to go natural. The stem height won’t get any taller, just the head as big as you allow it to.
Some standard trees are evergreen and can be useful for adding screening above the height of a fence. Others are deciduous such as ornamental cherry trees or Salix ‘Flamingo’ which are useful in containers or for adding height to a border.
We sow all of our own vegetable seedlings here at the nursery. Starting in February with Chillies, Peppers and Tomatoes and continuing right through to the end of May with brassicas, lettuce and overwintering vegetables.