September 2022

Introducing the Panola

This cross between a pansy and a viola has inherited the best of both parents. Panolas have the larger bloom size of a pansy with the flower power and cold hardiness of a viola……think violas on steroids! Ours have been cold grown right here at the nursery to ensure strong, healthy plants.

Some might think we're mean because we pick off the first flush of flowers when growing our Panolas, pansies and violas. This channels the plants energy into producing a healthy root system and ensures that you get strong, bushy plants that just keep on flowering. Don't forget to deadhead regularly to prevent plants going to seed.

We’ve grown exactly 11,828 Panolas, pansies and violas to be precise and now is the perfect time to plant these youngsters to ensure a great display throughout the winter.

New Ornamental Trees

New stocks of the ever popular flowering Cherries, Birches and Hollies have just arrived, as well as Acers, Sorbus and Liquidambars which provide stunning seasonal colour and interest.

Our favourite has to be the Crab Apple. There is such a variety to choose from and they have so much to offer both the garden wildlife and the gardener. The leaves are a great food source for caterpillars, flowers attract the insects, whilst birds and mammals enjoy the fruit. If there’s any left for you they can also be harvested to make a delicious crab apple jelly to serve with roasts, in stews and cakes or alongside your cheeseboard.

Crab Apples are so versatile and tolerate sun or semi-shade, most soil types and dryness once established.

Autumn is the best time for planting whilst the soil is still warm and soft to allow the roots to explore!

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Jonathan & Clare


October 2022


Summer Update