Mother’s Day

Bouquets, arrangements, cards & gifts to show you care


Fresh Flowers

Back by popular demand at this time of year, bouquets and arrangements ready to go, each one unique and a little different from the next.

Our talented team can also create bespoke floristry, maybe your special someone has a favourite bloom or colour scheme that you’d like to include? Contact us to order now.


Planted Gifts

A seasonal planter is the gift that keeps on giving, something to enjoy now and a memento. Plants and spring bulbs can be moved to beds and borders, pots and containers can be re-planted for a different look or season.


Nature Inspired Giftware

We stock a selection of quality garden and nature inspired homeware.

Our Mother’s Day cards are witty, wordy or heartfelt, the choice is yours.

If you need an edible treat too (well, gardening often makes us very hungry), we also stock a selection of luxury boxed chocs, biscuits and sweets.


Stylish Accessories

How about gifting some gardening tools or accessories.…for inside or out. We have a great selection from stylish highly regarded brands.

If you’re sending Mother’s Day wishes across the miles or your special someone is a bit fussy, then we also stock National Garden Gift Vouchers.