March 2023

Summer Flowering Bulbs

Nature’s such a clever thing - as we witness the emergence of the first spring bulbs and the striking yellow nodding daffodil heads, it serves as a gentle reminder to plant summer flowering bulbs.

Not strictly just bulbs, but tubers, corms & rhizomes, they are great for adding scent, colour and structure to gardens and balconies.

A few new additions can transform the look and feel of your space when many other garden structures, shrubs and trees are fixed.

Now that the soil is warming up, it’s the perfect time to plant and summer bulbs generally prefer a sunny spot.

Most summer bulbs don’t need planting as deep as spring bulbs, twice the depth of the bulb is a rule of thumb but some even shallower, so always consult the packet!

Hardy types such as lillies and crocosmia can be planted early (even in the autumn), but some should only be planted out once all risk of frost has passed. If you want to get ahead then they can be planted in pots in a frost free place and moved outside when it’s warmer.

We’ve got a great range of summer bulbs in stock now from Taylors Bulbs, a fourth generation family owned and managed business (pretty much like our good selves).

Miniature Marvels

Alpines encompass a huge range of plants and we defy you not to find a style, colour or shape to suit your scheme.

Great for containers (as long as there’s plenty of good drainage) and dry, sunny sites in the garden.

Their diminutive size and often dainty flowers are at odds with the cold, exposed conditions that they thrive in.

Best planted in spring (on our East Grinstead clay), once established they are drought tolerant and are extremely low maintenance.

Most of ours are English grown and will therefore slot seamlessly into your outside space.

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Jonathan & Clare


April 2023


February 2023